Overnight Postpartum Doula Support

Why i offer overnight postpartum doula support

From The Start, Postpartum Doula overnight newborn care

I started offering overnight doula support in December 2018 and I started offering the service for two reasons - to help the whole family get more sleep AND to help teach and coach families on nighttime parenting and caregiving. As I previously wrote in a blog article, lack of sleep leads to an increased risk of postpartum depression. Lack of sleep also impacts all other family members’ moods, attitudes, and behaviors and thus creates a vicious cycle. I want to help a family sleep during these early weeks of transitioning to life with a new baby for everyone’s sanity and well-being! Secondly, nighttime parenting can be one of the most rewarding experiences for a parenthood, if approached properly. I want to help families see the value, the opportunities, as well as the need, for tranquil, connected nighttime parenting. In the grand scheme of parenting, the percentage of nighttime parenting opportunities is small - I hope to help families take advantage of each week and savor the time and memories!

example of overnight doula support

In February 2019, after one of my first overnight postpartum doula shifts, I wrote a blog article about my experience. Take a look at this article for one example of what you can expect during an overnight doula shift.


From The Start, Postpartum Doula overnight newborn care and overnight doula

Fts, postpartum doula overnight support details

  • Available to provide two nights of support per week

  • Shift start times are completely flexible and up to the family and doula

  • 6 to 8 hour shifts (for your sleep and my safety)

  • Hourly rate of $40 per hour