struggle after baby

Juggling Big Siblings and Newborn Feedings

Juggling Big Siblings and Newborn Feedings

Juggling newborn feedings and big sibling needs is tough. There’s no denying that. This blog article is geared to help with this exact situation - feeding your newborn while still tending to your older child(ren). This article, written by a postpartum doula, has several tried and true tips and suggestions for things to do prior to feeding as well as things to do during a feeding. Take a read and share with a friend who may be experiencing concerns about this exact scenario! Happy reading.

Lessons Learned from Overnight Postpartum Doula Support

Lessons Learned from Overnight Postpartum Doula Support

You’e heard about overnight support for families with new babies. Maybe you saw a Facebook post from a friend. Maybe you’re curious about what nights will be like when you have a newborn. Whatever the case may be, I’m glad you’re here and seeing this article. I wrote this article for two reasons: as a journal for myself and a way to mindfully think about and share my lessons learned from my most recent overnight support, and I wrote this as one example of how an overnight postpartum doula visit might go. I’d love your comments and your questions! Glad you’re here. Enjoy.

Why Overnight Postpartum Doula Support

Why Overnight Postpartum Doula Support

I’ve wanted to offer overnight postpartum doula support for years. My reasons for wanted to offer this service remained over the years but offering this type of support was not compatible with my family. Before I dive into what an overnight visit consists of, I wanted to continue my “why” series and explain why I think overnight support is so important. So, here it is. Why I provide overnight postpartum doula support! Enjoy!

The Emotions Of Motherhood

The Emotions Of Motherhood

Nothing can really prepare you for the emotions of motherhood quite like, well, motherhood. We can train, prepare, practice, research, and plan for many other aspects of bringing a child into our lives, but we cannot truly rehearse for the emotions until we experience it. In this article, we’ll talk through some of these emotions and help normalize the emotions we experience as mothers. I hope this article brings you Joy…

Help After Baby Series, Part 3 - Your Village

Help After Baby Series, Part 3 - Your Village

Part 3 in the Help After Baby series is all about support from your village. This article provides feedback on who most often makes a village, what types of support moms of newborns need from their village, and how the village can most effectively support the family. Enjoy!